Burning Mouth Syndrome Symptoms
Providing Patient Care In The San Francisco
Bay Area Since 1996
Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) presents as a chronic burning sensation involving the oral mucous membranes, usually without accompanying clinical and laboratory findings. In a classic presentation, the burning sensation gradually progresses as the day passes reaching its peak in the late afternoon to early evening. The discomfort may range from minimal to severe and may significantly impact the quality of life. Other complaints may be associated with the burning such as dysgeusia, which support the designation as a syndrome. In some cases, onset may be associated with an event that is disturbing to the patient. The etiology of BMS is unknown. Stress has been identified by patients as an etiologic or aggravating factor, and this is further supported by clinical responses to antidepressants and/or anti-anxiety medications. In a recent study, we have found a strong association of sleep disturbances and sleep problems with burning mouth syndrome.Dr. Nita Chainani-Wu has extensive experience in the diagnosis and management of burning mouth syndrome including treatment of the symptoms with topical and systemic medications. She has also conducted original research studies on burning mouth syndrome.
View Dr. Chainani-Wu’s publications on Burning Mouth Syndrome
Click Citations For More Information:
Chainani-Wu N, Madden E, Silverman S Jr. A case-control study of burning mouth
syndrome and sleep dysfunction. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod.
2011 Aug;112(2):203-8. doi: 10.1016/j.tripleo.2011.03.014. PubMed PMID: 21684770.